We are okay

Peter Rukavina

We are okay.

Hurricane Fiona was truly horrific and the devastation to property, and to the trees of the city, boggles the mind: we lost almost every tree in our yard, and there are trees, some massive, down on almost every block.

But our little house survived intact. We have food, family, friends.

No electricity for 24 hours now; fortunately my car is essentially a huge battery with car attached, so I have a lot of phone charging opportunity still left.

The lack of bandwidth is very very hard for Olivia, and she’s worried about her October 1 birthday being affected. But she’s doing remarkably well holding it together.


Submitted by Andrea on


I am glad you are all OK. That everyone is OK. But gosh, it is hard to think about the loss of so many trees.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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