Updated Charlottetown Transit Call Log

Peter Rukavina

Give its new prominence, I’ve updated the web page that logs incoming calls to the Charlottetown Transit Schedule telephone information line, adding some information up top about total calls processed. This page updates in real time, so if you happen to be in front of a web browser when you call the line (902-367-3694), you can watch your key presses being logged (just reload the page as you interact).

I did some experimenting with sending an SMS follow up with the schedule information requested to the caller’s mobile phone this morning. The send-the-SMS (using ipipi.com) was very easy to implement as they have an SMTP interface you can send to; I got stymied, however, with trying to find a way to figure out if the calling number was a mobile: there doesn’t seem to be a way of doing this. As an alternative I may modify the UI of the telephone tree and add a “press * to receive a text message with this schedule” option. Stay tuned.

And remember, on Saturday mornings the regular University Avenue line runs twice as often as it used to, leaving downtown every half hour, and between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. it reroutes to the [[Charlottetown Farmers’ Market]].

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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