Turn It Up

Peter Rukavina

If you have two cars parked beside each other, with radios on, both tuned to the same station and each radio with the volume turned up to ‘5,’ (halfway, in other words) is this any louder, in practical terms, than only one car?


Submitted by John Boylan on


If you drink two bottles of beer at the same time that are both 5% alcohol by volume will you get any drunker?

Submitted by Ken on


Sympathetic vibrations, the same ones that move one tuning fork which was never struck - when placed next to a vibrating fork of the same note (frequency). The effect is more apparent in the bass, since low frequency escapes your automobile much easier than treble.

On a different note, you’ve reminded me of an old idea I had: mobile drive-up theatre. An inverter, digital projector aimed at a white wall, and a small FM stereo transmitter. When I get back home I want to play movies on walls everywhere, pirate style!

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Ken, in the trivia on “Brackley Drive-in Radio” that plays before the show starts, there’s mention of a drive-in somewhere in the states that had a personal screen for every car, somehow using mirrors to deliver the picture. I’ll ask Bob Boyle for details.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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