Oliver and I are taking the train to Halifax for the weekend. Of course the trains were banished from Prince Edward Island years ago, so we have to drive to Sackville, NB first. $138 round trip for both of us, so not cheap. But we both like trains, and I don’t like driving. We’re staying at the Residence Inn, right downtown. Fun father and son activities will ensue.
I take the train from Moncton to Montreal occasionally — such fun and it brings back so many memories. The food is the only draw back. Used to be the only place you could get a good meal in Canada — now worse than most airlines — all reheats and microwaves
I’ve taken the train to TO a couple of times, and once to Montreal and I love it. I would love to take it again. I saw my very first live moose while I whizzed by him on a train. That was pretty cool.