Traffic vs. Bicycle on Riverside Drive

Peter Rukavina

Cycling along Riverside Drive from Riverview Country Market to the Confederation Trail this afternoon, I encountered bumper-to-bumper traffic due the ongoing sewer work on the Hillsborough Bridge. This short video illustrates why cycle travel trumps car travel, especially in cases like this, with a separated multi-use path.


Submitted by Ton Zijlstra on


Did you use an antipodal phone, or how do the cars not fall down? ;)
I think, but can't back it up with links just now, there's statistics here in NL that any distance under 7km or so in an urban setting are generally more reliably quicker by bike, compared to cars. And that most movements of people, outside a longer commute, on any given day are below that distance.

Submitted by Ton Zijlstra on


(oddly, the vid above shows right side up on my mobile browser, but turned on its head in my laptop browser)

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