They Might Be Giants

Peter Rukavina

“Once elected, we will ingest special giantification drugs that will allow us to grow to an enormous size, and lord over Charlottetown like gods…”

Stephen Harper, Tom DeBlois and Pat Binns


Submitted by Kevin O'Brien on


When I see a sign like that I have to believe that at least two of them would be embarassed by it — one can hope anyway.

Submitted by head scratcher on


All they need is Mayor Clifford Lee on there and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalype will be in place!

The only thing bigger I’ve seen all election has been the arrogance of the Martin Liberals

Submitted by oliver on


Sure, during the campaign only their torsos poke above the ground, but if they ever dig themselves out afterwards, it’s a field day for developers. Most of downtown at least would be in ruins.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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