There is no 7:45 bus

At this hour I should be settling in for two hours of the Hon. David MacDonald Experience out at UPEI.

But I am not.

I decided earlier this morning that, rather than trying to catch the 7:30 a.m. bus up University Avenue, I’d take things a little easier, linger a little longer over my coffee and granola, and catch the 7:45 a.m. bus instead. I’d still get there in time for the 8:00 a.m. start, but I wouldn’t be frazzled. Such is the beauty of the every-15-minutes-up-the-avenue bus schedule.

Which is why I arrived at the Confederation Centre of the Arts bus stop at 7:40 a.m., ready to start my day.

Shortly thereafter came Bus No. 3, Bus No. 4, and the bus to Summerside.

But no Bus No. 1.

It turns out that there is no Bus No. 1 at 7:45 a.m.

I could have gone back home and taken the car, or just waited for the 8:00 a.m. bus and been a little late. But the summer heat and sense of despair at the irregularity of the universe meant that I didn’t have it in me to climb over those mountains.

And so, ironically, I will miss How can we create a habitable, thriving and just future?, the topic of today’s discussion.


Shirley Smedley Jay's picture
Shirley Smedley Jay on July 18, 2017 - 11:21 Permalink

Thank you for informing me about David MacDonald's sessions Peter. I attended this morning's talk and ensuing discussion.
A few takeaways include:
Replace "self" with "other"; Sharing through stories and doing; Strength lies with balance of women and men collaborating together at all levels in society; Hope thinking vs hopeless; we really wrestle with mindsets; Vision that motivates, that takes you somewhere.
Suggested readings:
- "Limits to Growth" by Meadows, Meadows and Randers
- "Our Common Future" Report: Dr. Gro Harlam Brundtland

Suggested videos:
- Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Norway "mother of sustainable development" - Secrets of 5th Estate
- Dennis Meadows, talk about book 23 years ago (1994)
- Rabbi Sacks, TED Talk: (Note: not sure this is the right url.)
It was time well spent this morning before the heat of the day settles in.