Ten Years of Reinvented

Peter Rukavina

Kevin O’Brien indirectly reminded me today that it has been ten years this month that Reinvented (then known as Digital Island) has been doing whatever it does.

In January of 1994, we started working for the Province of PEI on www.gov.pe.ca.


Submitted by DerekMac on


Somewhere around early 1995, I remember attending an information session on gov.pe.ca with yourself and Carole Mayne. At that time, I (a person not normally bent toward hyperbole) said that it was the best and most useful website that I had seen. Many years have passed, and I have seen many websites come and go, but I still believe that it is one of the most useful websites anywhere!!
Congratulations on a job well done…

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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