The Temperature in Charlottetown is...

Peter Rukavina

I’ve been doing some additional experimenting (read “procrastinating” or, more charitably, “long term R&D”) with Asterisk, the open source PBX that now answers my phone.

Tonight I added a “The temperature in Charlottetown is X degrees” line to the opening salvo, pulling the current temperature from The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

You can hear it for yourself at (902) 892-2556. Don’t worry, you can hang up the phone before you disturb me. Or you can ring through and say hello!


Submitted by Ken on


This is the most exciting thing I’ve discovered while reading Reinvented, I am loading Asterisk and diving into it.
Can you tell me, does it have touchtone menus?
Peter, I need to grok some Asterisk knowledge, may I buy you lunch and talk Asterisk some day, I’m back on PEI first week of February.

Your musings always spark ideas, muse on! and thanks.

Submitted by Kenny on


Hey, I just tried that number, it sounds good. Where does the male and female voice come from?

I want to get Asterisk running, any advice?
I’m starting by putting Linux on my 800Mhz Celeron.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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