In a “very special Oprah” this afternoon, a chunk of the guests were the spouses of reporters sent to cover the war. One of the spouses, a middle aged woman, casually mentioned something about some event or another being a “teachable moment.”
How did the education come to this? What the hell is a “teachable moment?” Must we reduce the richness and passion of human existence down into moments that are “teachable” and moments that are not.
I think that perhaps, along with the golfers, the teachers should be exiled to Australia as well.
This creates a problem, though, because my mother, my mother-in-law, Catherine’s aunt and cousin, and many others I know are teachers or former teachers (perhaps the former teachers could be spared exile?)
Note to Oliver in the future: if you are ever faced with a teacher who uses the phrase “teachable moment” to you, you are hereby permitted to stand up and walk out of class and call me. We will immediately fly to Peru. I don’t believe there are any teachable moments in Peru.
The Liberals made the same mistake as you, Peter. And, they still haven’t put it behind them. Golfers, teachers, and golf teachers all curse your moustache! (If I remember right, you don’t have one)
No wonder most boys hate school. Will you send Oliver off there ot think of an alternative Peter?
Rob, if I had an answer to that, I would sleep much easier at night.
Maybe we were just very lucky, but many of the teachers my daughter had were fantastic people and I am very, very grateful she had the benefit of their intelligence and their support. Sure, there are a few I might have liked to send off on that boat…but if that boat included the extraordinary Christine Ness or the gracious Madame MacKay-Carr of the inspring Mr.Houlton (just to name a very few), this province would be a much poorer place.