Tales from the Foliage Frontier

Peter Rukavina

Well, actually not so many tales to tell.

Johnny and I arrived here Sunday night, very late. The past three days we’ve spent in meetings with our colleagues at [[Yankee]], dreaming up all sorts of interesting new projects.

On Monday night we managed to steal away into Nashua to visit the L.L. Bean outlet store; last night we were both dead tired, and we repaired to our room at the [[Jack Daniels Motor Inn]] early after an overly hearty meal at Harlow’s Pub (wherein I ate more meatloaf in one sitting than in the previous 5 years combined).

Tomorrow morning we’re up at the crack of dawn to visit Yankee’s Boston office. If we play our cards right we’ll have some time free in Boston tomorrow afternoon, and then it’s home to PEI, via Montreal, arriving on the Island just before midnight. Promises to be a very, very long day.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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