Good news: starting this Saturday, April 4, 2009 there will be regular bus service to the Charlottetown Farmers’ Market. Kudos to Trius Transit and the Market folks for working to make this happen.
The bus — it’s just a re-routing of the regular Route #1 with some additional runs — leaves the Confederation Centre of the Arts every 30 minutes starting at 9:00 a.m. and running to 1:30 p.m. and the trip takes about 15 minutes.
Buses from the Market back downtown leave at 10 and 38 minutes past the hour from 9:10 a.m. to 2:10 p.m.
Buses run up University Avenue to the Atlantic Superstore, making all regular stops, and then down Belvedere Avenue to the Market, turning left into the University of PEI and running around the UPEI access route to the regular UPEI pickup off University Ave., and then continuing to the Charlottetown Mall as usual. On the return run buses do the reverse, circling around the back of UPEI and out by the Market.
Regular fare ($2) and transfer protocols are in force. On Saturday, as usual, you can get automated telephone schedule information about the next bus by dialling 367-3694.
This is a three month trial period so, please, if you’ve any interest in this being a regular option for getting to the Market, show up in force this Saturday and demonstrate that the service is useful. Tell your friends!

What’s a hydrogen bus?
What’s a hydrogen bus?
@oliver see this earlier post
@oliver see this earlier post for details about the Hydrogen Bus. The Hydrogen Bus actually only serves half of the runs on Saturdays, the ones leaving downtown on the half house. The runs on the hour are served by the result “trolley” bus.
Update: 9:00 a.m. bus had
Update: 9:00 a.m. bus had about 10 people on it, but only 3 of us were going to the Market. On the 10:10 a.m. bus back downtown Oliver and I were the only passengers.
I knew I’d googled this out
I knew I’d googled this out somewhere sometime! According to myself, these hydrogen buses are buses with conventional engines that produce only water vapor at the tailpipe, which is great, but implicitly advocate for coal, which is bad, even while cheering for a hypothetical non-polluting source of enough hydrogen, which is sweet, that could fuel personal automobile use like we have today.
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