
Peter Rukavina

I’ve spent the evening doing some more hacking with the way the blog uses taxonomy. Notice a “Details” link at the bottom of every post that pops out details of the post: date and time the post was made, and a list of categories (aka tags), with links to tag searches on taggy websites like Technorati and Flickr.

All of this is experimental, may not work, and probably looks uglier than it will as it matures.

Under the hood, I’ve moved further towards a tag-based method for classifying posts:

Under the Hood in the Weblog Editor using Tags

I haven’t abandoned the hierarchy, just hidden it under the surface.


Submitted by taggy mctag on


get a life… please, why in the world would you post someting as stupid as this?and please do not reply for bear i might die bordem.

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About This Blog

Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

To learn more about me, read my /nowlook at my bio, listen to audio I’ve posted, read presentations and speeches I’ve written, or get in touch (peter@rukavina.net is the quickest way). 

I have been writing here since May 1999: you can explore the 25+ years of blog posts in the archive.

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