For those of you living in places where “spring” means “balmy breezes wafting over the cherry blossoms,” here is what it means on Prince Edward Island:

For those of you living in places where “spring” means “balmy breezes wafting over the cherry blossoms,” here is what it means on Prince Edward Island:
looks a lot like our spring
looks a lot like our spring in Moncton:…
There are only a few things
There are only a few things about home I don’t miss … “spring on the Red Isle” is definitely one of them. :-)
Sorry to say…I saw the first
Sorry to say…I saw the first of the cherry blossoms here this morning…was in Richmond BC. I was, however, also thinking about your spring weather as well…thanks to many emails, blog (such as yours) and Facebook posts from Island friends and colleagues.
In Cochrane, just a bit
In Cochrane, just a bit closer to the foothills of the Rockies than Calgary, we’ve been getting weather like this. Two 20cm+ dumps of snow last Sunday and the Sunday before. It’s the harshest winter I remember in 20 years.
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