space space

Peter Rukavina

Pop quiz: when you type, do you put two spaces between sentences, or just one?


Submitted by dria on


Two spaces here, although I’m slowly breaking that habit because twitter counts them both and that’s just a waste of characters :)

Submitted by John Boylan on


I have a vague memory that the two space rule is a carry-over from typesetting and typewriters where every character took up the same amount of space and an extra space was needed after a full stop for the eye to register the sentence. This isn’t the case anymore, I gather, and style guides vary in their advice. As always, consitency is the goal. I use a single space.

Submitted by Alan on


Two…but D. Burka laughed at me once in 2002 for doing so - giving rise to a tiny recollection of my oldie olson status whenever I do.

Submitted by Steven Garrity on


Only one - modern fonts handle this for you now. Also, whitespace is ignored in HTML, so two spaces are always treated as one on the web.

Submitted by Derekmac on


One. I stopped typing two when I traded my Smith Corona in for WordStar on a CP/M machine back around 1982 or so. Two is only needed for monospaced fonts.

Submitted by Deane on


Two, but just through force of habit. Not sure if I’m actually supposed to anymore.

My mother was a secretary all her life, and she put three spaces in.

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


I should have mentioned that I am wedded to the two-space, something drummed into me from my manual typewriter days — I can actually hear the two “clunks” in my head when I remember those days.

I believe Daniel Burka also made fun of me for this (after making fun of me for indenting the paragraphs on my blog).

I was once sharing the editing of a document with some Euro-colleagues, which inspired one of them to write:

I like the subtle hidden encoding who wrote which parts of the text using european single spaces and north-american double spaces between the sentences ;)

Submitted by dria on


Two is pure habit for me. I was taught this way when I took typing in highschool about eighty million years ago, and typing habits are a pain to break.

Submitted by Chuck on


One. I was trained in high school typing class to use two, but broke the habit once I started using desktop publishing software.

Submitted by Kelly on


Always two; Hangover from learning proper letter format. Also, four hard returns after closing salutation in an email or letter — like Dria said, old habits are hard to break.

Submitted by Alan on


Daniel Burka gets a cherry belly next time he, Ruk and I are in the same room. I’ll hold him. I’m bigger.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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