Silver Lining in the Fog of Corruption

Peter Rukavina

It appears as though the whole SponsorGate fiasco might seriously hobble the Festival of the Lights in Charlottetown. Who would have thought that corruption could have such happy side-effects?


Submitted by Mandy on


Look at that.. maybe this summer you won’t have to suffer through the annual rock concert you love so much. But be forewarned, they may get the money some place. Hold on to some change to get some ear plugs eh.

Submitted by Andrew on


Why don’t you start selling cold drinks on your front lawn…then the festival of lights will be much more appealing and profitable for you. Maybe some old school Old Home week front lawn parking….then everyone can reap the benefits of the loudest summer festival on the Island, in the quietest part of town.

Submitted by Mandy on


yeah, if I ever buy a small house, I think I’ll by one down by the fairgrounds just so I can put up a sign that says park here for $10. That old house would be paid off in no time. Glamourous, simply glamourous.

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