Seven Great things in Oslo

Here are seven great things I found in Oslo today:

  1. Coffee at Fuglen. Twice. Very, very good.
  2. Comic book shopping at Tronsmo. Indeed any book shopping, as they have a stellar selection of books the likes of many of which I’ve not seen elsewhere. In a lovely, bright space.
  3. Travel book shopping at Nomaden. Bought a book on Mongolia. Best travel book shop since the late, great Globe Corner Bookstore in Boston.
  4. Stationery shopping at Norway Designs. The basement papir shop has an excellent selection of paper, envelopes, pens, bookbinding tools, paperclips and more.
  5. A cheese and salami sandwich, with clementine juice, at Baker Nordby on Hambros Plass 7.
  6. The Arkitekturstriper – Architecture in Comic Strip Form – exhibition at the National Museum – Architecture. Oliver and I spent a couple of hours at it. Fantastic.
  7. Frogner Park at sunset. Who would have thought a sculpture park could be so moving. But it is.

Frogner Park
