Here are seven great things I found in Oslo today:
- Coffee at Fuglen. Twice. Very, very good.
- Comic book shopping at Tronsmo. Indeed any book shopping, as they have a stellar selection of books the likes of many of which I’ve not seen elsewhere. In a lovely, bright space.
- Travel book shopping at Nomaden. Bought a book on Mongolia. Best travel book shop since the late, great Globe Corner Bookstore in Boston.
- Stationery shopping at Norway Designs. The basement papir shop has an excellent selection of paper, envelopes, pens, bookbinding tools, paperclips and more.
- A cheese and salami sandwich, with clementine juice, at Baker Nordby on Hambros Plass 7.
- The Arkitekturstriper – Architecture in Comic Strip Form – exhibition at the National Museum – Architecture. Oliver and I spent a couple of hours at it. Fantastic.
- Frogner Park at sunset. Who would have thought a sculpture park could be so moving. But it is.