The Root Cellar

I do a lot of sketching from the front counter at Mad Wok on Queen Street, so there are an uncommon number of sketches of The Root Cellar, Phở Hưng, and Linda’s Coffee Shop, all across the street, in my sketchbook.

I have some work to do on brick density and window rendering. It’s good to return to the same subject again and again and again to see evolution, as small as it may be.


Sophia's picture
Sophia on May 16, 2017 - 19:24 Permalink

Fantastic! Sketch-mortaring only a few areas to suggest a brick facade and add a little water-color for texture is something to try... Winsor & Newton has a nifty professional compact water color set.

Peter Rukavina's picture
Peter Rukavina on May 17, 2017 - 10:55 Permalink

What is “sketch-mortaring”?

Sophia's picture
Sophia on May 18, 2017 - 17:48 Permalink

The lines you've drawn to create a brick facade.