It’s been 24 hours now since the Rogers Wireless network has been down, leaving anyone with a Rogers mobile phone without service for more than a day. I just phoned the local Rogers store at the Charlottetown Mall and they have no information about when service will be restored; navigating the seemingly endless telephone tree on the theoretical 1-877-764-3772 service number reveals no more information, although I’ve been attached to the “ticket,” whatever that means.
This can be added to the list of reasons why we need more wireless competition here in Canada. Rogers has the only GSM network in the country; when they go down, so does GSM.
I called Rogers tech support
I called Rogers tech support and was told it would be back up “sometime today”. It has now been well over 24hrs. I told them it would be helpful if they could post a notice somewhere with a better estimate on when full service will be restored. I’m now able to get one bar for about 20 seconds then I lose service completely.
No service at all (i.e. “0
No service at all (i.e. “0 bars”) downtown.
My CDMA service in mid Prince
My CDMA service in mid Prince County is 5 by 5 bars. Whats so great about GSM anyway that you’d rather suffer no service than spend $29.99 on a Telus Samsung A630 and get $50 airtime which alone is more than you pay. Would make a great backup phone for GSM service. And vice versa if that ever happens.
Quebecor should not build a GSM network. The next network rolled out nation wide must be 802.11g in all suburbs and cities, wouldn’t it be more awesome to have abundant wifi than a second GSM network?
I have a GSM Tracfone it only works in the states. It cost $20, has some cool features my Telus CDMA phone doesn’t and I can call 911 while in Canada with it so leave it in the car off and charged.
Seriously somebody is cursing their Rogers phone sitting in their broken down car somewhere in PEI with no service. Or worse need to call 911. Campgrounds would be incommunicado save for the happy CDMA campers keeping it from erupting into Deadwood, where there is no law (911 I mean).
Samsung A630 Damn java
Samsung A630 Damn java cluttering up my pointer!
Looks like we’re back in
Looks like we’re back in action. Finally!
Yes, service restored when I
Yes, service restored when I got up this morning.
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