If, like me, you’re a fan of the late CBC Television series Street Legal then you might want to start watching Bravo Canada where it’s now airing at 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Atlantic every weekday. They’re airing the episodes this week where the partners agree to sell to evil corporate lawyer R.J. Williams, played well by Donnelly Rhodes.
Depending on your point of view this is when the series either moved up to another level, or descended into L.A. Law parody. In any case, it did mark the entry of the brilliant Albert Schultz to series television.
I’ll bet you did not know
I’ll bet you did not know that our friend Betty-Ann, who sells newspapers at Tim Horton’s and walked around for many years with a cat around her neck, named that cat Donnelly after Donnelly Rhodes.
Donnelly (the cat) is immortalized in the Guardian’s 150 anniversay of Charlottetown supplement, which Betty Ann will happily sell you.
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