Repair Disk Permissions

Peter Rukavina

Doing something called Repair Disk Permissions is the scratch, it seems, to many itches under Mac OS X (example from Apple along with a detailed explanation of what it does and an introduction to file permissions), so it’s something I do, using the Disk Utility application, every so often.

What I’ve never understood is why I have to run this multiple times for all “file permissions issues” to be resolved. It seems that the first time through some permissions are repaired, then the next time through there are some additional ones repaired, and so on, until finally, after three or four times, everything gets addressed.

How come?


Submitted by Ken Williams on


There is a bug in os X.3 and every time you repair permissions there will be 1 or 2 things that will get repaired everytime.
Or, your hard drive is beginning to fail!

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