I can’t imagine that running the downtown Charlottetown grocery store is easy: you’re fighting the uptown chains on one hand, and a bifurcated demographic on the other. While it may be possible to service downtown residents of all income levels and culinary inclinations, I can guarantee you that things like this are a way to immediately lose the “baguette and pesto” crowd:

Is is safe to say you
Is is safe to say you consider yourself a member of the “baguette and pesto crowd” using words like “bifurcated demographic” and “culinary inclinations”?
Minor point there Spencer -
Minor point there Spencer - granted. But, Imagine illuminating more of the issue in fewer words and it begins to sound earthy :)
Imagine all meat sales being
Imagine all meat sales being FINAL SALES! Who hasn’t purchased, perhaps sample a snipit of the meaty loin, then repackage and return to seller?
It’s classic CharlitTown!
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