"In reality this is a bit more challenging because people don't like to cooperate, but don't worry about that."

Peter Rukavina

Semantic Web Systems resources, by Amy Guy, is a remarkably clear-worded introduction to triples, ontologies, and related topics. If, like me, things like RDF have always existed in the “yah, okay, I sort of understand all that enough to get on” space of your brain, this is a good primer. Especially if you’re trying to grok Solid (in the introduction for which I found the pointer to it).

Triples are almost-human-readable statements, made up of [subject, predicate, object]. When you put lots of triples together and there is overlap in subjects and objects, they form a graph; subjects and objects are nodes (circles), and predicates are arcs (lines).


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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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