Random Saturday Notes

Peter Rukavina

It’s the 49th anniversary of VE Day today (the German High Command surrendered unconditionally to the Allies on may 8th, 1945). Also on this day, Rochester, New York received ten inches of snow in 1989.

Through a lucky happenstance, Catherine and I scored the last two tickets to the Eric MacEwen Celebration tonight at the Confederation Centre: Oliver and I were en route from the Confederation Centre Art Gallery to the Library when we ran into Mac Campbell, who’s helping to organize the event and Mac connected us with two tickets that had just come free.

Speaking of the Confederation Centre Art Gallery, you should get yourself there by May 16th to see Taken, a large interactive digital art installation by David Rokeby. It’s the first piece of digital art I’ve ever seen that knocked my socks off.

Oliver and I went out to Strathgartney Provincial Park this afternoon to act as the fan base for a frisbee golf tournament, the first event in the marathon bachelor party for Dan. It turns out that frisbee golf is actually a lot of fun, and isn’t at all rugby-like, which I incorrectly thought it was. The fun continues without Oliver and I tonight, and I’ll rejoin the party on Monday night for exciting paint ball action; the chance to virtually kill my landlords is too enticing to pass up.

I joined the Quality of Island Life Coop today. I don’t know much about the initiative, but they keep peppering me with interesting email messages, and their mission — providing new metrics by which to measure quality of life on PEI — appears both noble and reasonable. They are holding meeting on Thursday, May 13th at the Farm Centre that will introduce their ideas to the greater world; click on the link above, or check yesterday’s Guardian for more details.

Spring is decidedly here on Prince Edward Island now. Thank goodness.


Submitted by Rob L. on


I will second your endorsement of “Taken” at the Confed Centre. Very neat. I walked in circles, waved my hands, etc. My wife was a little freaked out, and my two year old unimpressed.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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