The Problem at Queen and Kent

Peter Rukavina


Submitted by Derek Martin on


Someone told me this was out of concern for north bound cars seeing the walk signal and taking it for a green light.

Submitted by Gervais on


I’m not convinced that there is a problem here…

Cars waiting for the light to turn green (even though they may be able to turn right on a red light) do have the ability to turn right. There is an advanced green arrow for folks making a left turn, but also a green light for those who want to go straight or turn right.

One of the problems with turning the light green for cars and signalling a walk at the same time is that often both the cars and the pedestrians surge forward at the same time. This can lead to a pedestrian being injured. Signalling that the pedestrians should wait a few seconds longer, make is slightly safer to cross.

Submitted by Wayne on


I am so glad that I do not consider myself so critical that a loss of 15 seconds is an actual issue..not to mention the loss of several hours of my productivity to discussing and lamenting said 15 seconds.

For those who do feel so inclined, I would assure them that the world will never be the same.

Submitted by Ashley Johnston on


Is this the place to talk about other problems?

Like Allen and Mt Edward… Heading east on Allen you will get a left turn arrow then the yellow then the green. Heading west you will get the same thing, except that the light is not equipped with a left turn arrow. So you will get red, red, red, yellow! green.

I have a problem with traffic lights. More specifically the laws about them. If there is nobody around it is illegal to run a red light. This is in conflict with the presumption of liberty. Right?

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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