Prince Edward Island School Calendar, 2013-2014

The School Calendar for 2013-2014 has just been released and I’ve again taken the official Prince Edward Island School Calendar and updated a set of public calendar files to make it easier for parents and others to shunt the information around their digital devices. Here you go:

(Note for those of you who already had the 2012-2013 School Calendar integrated into your digital devices: you don’t need to do anything, as those addresses haven’t changed from last year).

As a member of the School Calendar Committee for the PEI Home and School Federation I’ve asked to have the official calendar released as structured data by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development itself, but as yet this hasn’t happened.


Sam's picture
Sam on June 22, 2013 - 13:06 Permalink

Having trouble loading either of the calendars — getting bad requests messages. Am I missing an obvious step? (oh, and thanks for doing this!!)

Peter Rukavina's picture
Peter Rukavina on June 24, 2013 - 16:03 Permalink

The iCal file should load up in the Mac Calendar program without issue; you should also be able to paste the URL into Google Calendar or any other calendaring application that understands the iCalendar format.

The Google Calendar file is just HTML, so it should load in any browser.

Let me know if you continue to have problems.