Prince Edward Island: A Heightened Sensory Experience!

Peter Rukavina

Here’s the new “brand positioning” statement for Prince Edward Island, part of the Tourism Advisory Council presentation of the 2005 PEI Marketing Plan:

Prince Edward Island is the Atlantic Canadian vacation destination that rewards visitors with a heightened sensory experience because it is an Island with distinct and vibrant people, places and experiences.


Submitted by oliver on


I tend to be very persnickity about truth in advertising but I actually think that line is O.K.. There’s nothing non-factual about what it asserts, as I parse it.

Submitted by Alan on


Is “heightened sensory experience” what your gonads find out when the promised 72 F beach water turns out to be 59 F in July?

Submitted by Neil S. Verkland on


Peter, I don’t want to hijack the discussion so, would you contact me off the forem? I would like to discuss PERL and Opac/HIP. (Assuming it was you who built the RSS feeds for PEI-Opac).

Submitted by Ken on


Good one Alan, made me lol!

“heightened sensory experience” during the fall magic mushroom season I’ve experienced it.

The pictures in the presentation look very vivid on this midwinter day of continued numbing cold.

Submitted by Ken Williams on


In the summer maybe, but in winter the distinct and vibrant people are shivering in their winter coats. The distinct places are covered in a uniform coat of glaring white sensory overload. After months of dull, numb, white desert and being stuck indoors summer is a sweet delight to islanders.

If you come from South of the Mason-Dixon line, our summer may seem more like winter in Florida. Especially the cool nights.

I am fascinated with the difference between Summer PEI and Winter PEI. Open PEI and Closed PEI. Tourist PEI and Local PEI. There are two cultures here, a summer culture, and the winter culture. The bleak winter culture needs some heightened sensory experiences.

Submitted by Jane on


I am fascinated with the difference between Summer PEI and Winter PEI. Open PEI and Closed PEI. Tourist PEI and Local PEI. There are two cultures here, a summer culture, and the winter culture. The bleak winter culture needs some heightened sensory experiences.

I prefer Winter PEI. Let the tourists pollute Clearwater and Myrtle Beach.

The only reason PEI ever became a tourist destination was that

A) we’re an island and you used to have to take a ferry to get here (still can I guess - for how long, who knows?), and

B) the Northumberland Strait doesn’t get fog in the summer (for the most part), as opposed to the rest of the Atlantic coast in the Maritimes

C) relative to said “rest of the Atlantic coast”, we do have warmer ocean water temperature, thus Maritimers came to visit here - this being in the days before airlines and expressways and daily travel to the Carribean, Mediterranean, Fiji and other locales

Our tourist industry didn’t develop around Ontarians, Quebeckers, New Englanders or the Japanese - it was mainland Maritimers. Now that tourist patterns have shifted, and now that the Confed. Bridge makes it so easy to visit and leave quickly, particularly when we get a cool summer or nasty stretch of rainy weather, the industry goes into the toilet.

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