Pressing Matters Magazine

Peter Rukavina

Pressing Matters magazine first came to my attention last year, through Frab’s Magazines, the wonderful Italian magazine shop. I’d first come across Frab’s last spring, and fell into a deep (and expensive) rabbit hole of magazine ordering; I’m still reading my way through the backlog. (We made a pilgrimage to Frab’s this spring, when we realized we’d be driving by their shop in  in Forlì, Italy).

One of the magazines that came in that expensive shipment from Frab’s last year was Pressing Matters, and although I’d purchased it with the thought it might inspire my letterpress work, it quickly became something of a look book for our emerging practice as printmakers.

Jump ahead to this summer: we sent a This Box is for Good to publisher John Coe, and John reached back to us with a generous offer to feature our April box, a collaboration with Dutch printer Roy Scholten, in their October issue. This issue hit the newsstands this week; here’s the piece:

A screen shot of the PDF of issue 28 of Pressing Matters magazine, page 9, showing a short piece about This Box is for Good.

This lovely development is the continuation of a set of dominos that Ton set in motion in 2018, when he first pointed me to Roy’s work. That led us, 6 years later, to contact Roy about doing a residency with him in Hilversum, which led to the box featured in the magazine, and also led us to a visit with Ton and Elmine, who generously adopted some of the boxes. 

A kind of perpetual motion machine of inspiration, activity, inspiration, activity.

Pressing Matters is available on better newsstands everywhere, or you can order a print or digital copy online directly.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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