Pornographic Puccini

Peter Rukavina

Searching around for Pucinni recordings on Apple’s new music service, I happened across the Jussi Bjoerling album, a collection of opera arias, pictured here:

Puccini with Advisory

Notice that the album bears a Parental Advisory: Explicit Content warning “sticker.” The Recording Industry Association of America says this means:

The Parental Advisory is a notice to consumers that recordings identified by this logo may contain strong language or depictions of violence, sex or substance abuse. Parental discretion is advised

The mind boggles.


Submitted by Ken on


Perhaps they intended the first definition of Explicit defined as “Fully and clearly expressed”, rather than the more prurient meaning.

Probably it was a mundane bug in the censoring ministry - similiar to premise of Terry Gilliam’s movie Brazil.

Submitted by Alan on


Its the bit from the Pearl Fishers. As lude a tune as every there was. Every fifth Sunday lunch after Church, there it was on the show by that guy on the CBC playing his own tunes after starting his intro with a “Hullo” that always sounded a little like a guy being caught on the toilet. Thaks God the authorities are on to it.

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