Plazer for Series 60 Screen Shots

Peter Rukavina

My friends at [[Plazes]] were kind enough to send along an alpha version of the Plazer for Series 60 devices so that I could try it out on my new [[Nokia N70]]. Here’s what it looks like:

Plazer for Series 60 Screen Shot

The application installs under “My Own” under the main menu, where all new apps end up.

Plazer for Series 60 Screen Shot

The slash screen with the app starts.

Plazer for Series 60 Screen Shot

The app asks to connect to the Internet when it starts.

Plazer for Series 60 Screen Shot

The application menu. Nice and simple.

Plazer for Series 60 Screen Shot

When you first hit a new cell, you identify its general location; from that point on, the app knows your general location when using that cell.

Plazer for Series 60 Screen Shot

…and can tell you who’s nearby.

Plazer for Series 60 Screen Shot

You can get specific by selecting the “Set Plaze” option, which shows you a list of current Plazes in your general area.

Plazer for Series 60 Screen Shot

Once you set your current Plaze, that’s what shows up on the Plazes website.

Plazer for Series 60 Screen Shot

And, as you would expect, you can find out where your Plazes “buddies” are.


I was impressed with how little data actually had to be sent over the air to do all this: all of the above happened in 11KB of back and forth, and cost me 57 cents with my [expensive] “Pay As You Go” Rogers Wireless account.

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