Places to go that aren’t the Formosa Tea House: First in a Series

As our friends at the Formosa Tea House are off in Taiwan for a month, we regulars are left to look elsewhere for dietary and emotional sustenance. Today’s tip: Mavor’s, in the Confederation Centre of the Arts. I’ve just come from there, and I had the entire bar to myself and spent a couple of hours reading about Slovenia, drinking a chai latte, and eating a tasty club sandwich on a comfortable easy chair. Not a bad place to spend a Saturday afternoon at all. There’s free Wifi to, if you need to stay connected while relaxing.


Robert Paterson's picture
Robert Paterson on January 23, 2005 - 19:33 Permalink

One of my favs. Good wine list by the glass. Dinner is excellent. They let you hang out for hours with a laptop