Philippine, African and South Asian Food & Grocery in Charlottetown

Peter Rukavina

The Charlottetown food explosion continues.  Now, joining the Pin Yuan Asian Grocery next to the bus terminal and the Korean Han Gook Convenience Store on the other side of the North River Causeway there’s the new Philippine, African and South Asian Food & Grocery (yes, it’s a long name) on Capital Drive at the back of the Owl’s Hollow building:

Philippine, African and South Asian Food Grocery

Inside you’ll find a wide variety of food ranging from stuffed bun mix to curry powder to whole coriander to canned squid in ink. It’s a very nice complement to the other stores, and a welcome addition to the city.

They’re open Tuesday through Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Sundays from 12 Noon to 7:00 p.m. You can telephone them at (902) 370-3399.

Philippine, African and South Asian Food Grocery Hours


Submitted by Josh Biggley on


Oh, what culinary complexities we can weave! <evil laugh=”“>

Seriously, this is excellent. Not sure how often I will use squid in a dish, but having culinary options on the Island is intriguing when the mood strikes me. More importantly though, it will assist in the immigrant population feeling as though they can stay on the Island long-term instead of making PEI a stepping stone to Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver.

We can only benefit from such an outreach. Thanks for keeping us up to date Peter.

Submitted by Gardner Calibuso on


Delia, the owner is very friendly. It is very good to see such store in the island for a taste infusion of different cultures...Maybe a Filipino restaurant in the future?? We visited Charlottetown and we're actually surprised on diversity.... Place is highly recommended!

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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