Peter from Peterborough

Peter Rukavina

I once worked with a woman named Charlotte. In Charlottetown. I used to live in Peterborough, Ontario. Now I work, part of the year, up the hill from Peterborough, New Hampshire. In other words, I have considerable practice saying “Hi there, it’s Peter from Peterborough” on the phone.

I’ve written a lot in this space about the people and places of Peterborough, New Hampshire. But I’ve never taken any pictures. Until now.


Submitted by oliver on


Oh come on, there’s gazillions of Hilsboroughs. Somewhere a name must have gotten corrupted to Nilsborough, just from the sheer indistinguishability of “N” and “H” at more than 20 paces. Look for a hamlet where the people are nearsighted and there’s no optician. There you’ll find your Nilsborough.

Submitted by oliver on


I did the Peterboro(ugh) slide show. Those leaves make for purdy debris. Is the Historical Society building formerly a railway station? I also wonder whether the Unitarian church clock is set to Universal Time.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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