Peter Gzowski, John Allan Cameron

Morningside on John Allan Cameron. Man how I miss Peter Gzowski. And now John Allan. I only saw him live once: he was the best live performer of any sort of music I ever saw, a showman in the truest sense.


Laurel's picture
Laurel on December 16, 2007 - 04:46 Permalink

Upon hearing the news from my parents, of John Allan Cameron’s death, I
was filled with relief. Relief that finally, his suffering was over. Yet, at the same time, there was a sadness, too. My chest began to ache with the tears I knew would come fairly soon…
…and they did. When CBC News showed pictures of John Allan, I began to cry. Even now, I have tears flowing over my cheeks as I write this commentary. My parents sat, one on each side of me, holding my hands and letting me cry.
John Allan Cameron left a huge hole in the music industry with his passing. The music and memories will keep on going though. He lives on in all of his family, fans, and in the music of the young, up-and-coming celtic artists today. He’s what made celtic music “cool”
I could go on forever about how this man had touched my life, but that would take too long.He was in a class of his own, not only as a musician, but as a friend,too. John Allan was a class-A human being!!