Pete Rocks Out

Peter Rukavina

The lords upstairs mentioned last week that they had noticed a proliferation of Really Bad GarageBand-generated music on the net. Not wanting to be left out of this orgy of badinosity, I present my first GarageBand mixdown.

Notice my subtle blending of 4 or 5 genres in one fantastic power ballad.


Submitted by dave m on


great… now you’ve got me thinking i should buy it. it just seems like such a blast…. i have no doubt it’ll be responsible for a lot of bad music— just like certain word processing and imagine manipulation software was responsible for a lot of bad graphic design… but what the hell it sounds like fun.

Submitted by Rob L. on


Not bad! Reminds me of something you’d hear between segments on Island Morning!
PS - Peter, your site has been very slow to load for me over the last month or two. I’ve noticed this from home and from the office. I hate to say this, but I think the slowdown coincided with your switch away from Aliant!

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Rob, how/where are you connected to the Internet; let me know, and I’ll try and diagnose the problem.

Submitted by Rob L. on


Peter, I’m at home now (Eastlink), and the response is pretty snappy. Did you do anything? Maybe it’s something specific to my connection at the office. Rock on!

Submitted by nathan on


Rob, let me guess… you’re connected through Aliant at work. To get from the Aliant network to the Eastlink network requires traversing at least 20 routers in a North American tour that takes you through Montreal, New York, Montreal (again), and then Halifax before returning to PEI. Apparantly this setup is sensible from a business point of view.

Submitted by Mandy on


wow, that’s quite the mix alright. No one can pull off a banjo like you can.

I think we all need a copy of iLife, just for the GarageBand. My songs were a little more “dance” if you will.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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