Pete calling Orson, come in Orson

Peter Rukavina

About 82 miles from my birthplace of Rochester, New York is the community of Lycoming, NY. And in Lycoming on April 5, 1966 — the day I was born — the following UFO encounter is reported in the Comprehensive Catalog of 1,500 Project Blue Book UFO Unknowns:

3 a.m. — Lillian Louis, 42, went to get a glass of water in her kitchen and saw a spinning vapor-like sphere, 10 feet in diameter, shooting its exhaust onto the ground from 20 feet height near her house, which departed very suddenly, leaving a trail.

I always knew that I didn’t quite fit in here on earth; now I know why.


Submitted by jypsy on


Oh Peter, as a semi regular reader of your blog for many years it’s hard not to say something here…. (as the webmaster of Ooops… Wrong Planet! Syndrome) …… you’ve read this Wired article yes?

I’d never diagnose anyone, especially someone I only met once, but I gotta tell you, too often you make me smile and think of you as “one of us” :)

Submitted by Jor El on


It seems the time has come to tell you the truth, Peter. You will be hearing from us. In only a little longer all will become clear.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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