Petals turn a sidewalk stream jacaranda blue”

Where is the Heart of My Country by Caitlin Canty is a lovely song that opens with the verse:

It’s raining in Los Angeles hallelujah hallelu
Moonflowers open to breathe the night’s perfume
The city climbs the hillside 
Just to see the color bloom
Petals turn a sidewalk stream jacaranda blue

Jacaranda blue turns out to be the perfect use-case for Google Image Search:

Google Image Search for Jacaranda Blue


FAS's picture
FAS on November 2, 2021 - 21:04 Permalink

It’s similar to periwinkle blue or to the hues of forget-me-nots. It’s a gorgeous colour.

Olivia Oliver Rukavina's picture
Olivia Oliver R... on November 2, 2021 - 21:06 Permalink

Reminds me of Cherry Blossoms and Our Trip to Japan in Spring of 2013.