The Perfect February

Peter Rukavina

If you are a calendar-and-dates nerd, there’s an elegance about February 2009, with four perfectly aligned weeks:

February 2009 Calendar


Submitted by David Hall on


Only if your week begins with Sunday. Since 1973 the week begins with Monday in Sweden. (As a result of the change from Sunday to Monday the year of 1972 had 54 weeks.)

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


We have an intra-family debate at our house about the proper start day of the week. I am strongly in the Sundayian camp, while Catherine is strongly in the Mondayian camp.

Because I tend to work most Sundays, I tend to think of Sunday as the start of the work week.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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