The One Where I Almost Canter

Last week and this I’ve been learning to canter Jack the Horse. It’s a whole new ballgame, and one that I’m, so far, only just touching the edges of.

The “canter switch” on Jack is to put pressure on his right flank while making a kissing sound (I’m not making this up). Canter is a different gait, and a faster speed, and it is, at this point, frankly, somewhat terrifying a prospect; the terror is leading me to pull back on the reigns and give mixed signals to Jack, so I’ve yet to achieve a full cantery orbit. But I’ve tasted it, and as much as it’s terrifying, it’s also deeply thrilling.

L., who’s been coming for riding lessons with me this month, generously took a video of one of the “almosts.”


vbj's picture
vbj on April 14, 2022 - 17:47 Permalink

Is it me? I only get audio...

Oliver's picture
Oliver on April 15, 2022 - 02:54 Permalink

Not from lessons but just from one particular horseback tour, I know exactly that terror/thrill mixed-messaging situation. I’m excited for you and a little envious that you’ll be learning your way past that.

Norm F's picture
Norm F on April 15, 2022 - 10:26 Permalink

Video doesn’t work on my iPad for some reason.

Signe's picture
Signe on April 16, 2022 - 05:54 Permalink

I think you'll prefer the canter over the very bumpy almost stage - the rythm of the canter sucks you into the saddle and it feels much more stable. 😊

Karen Charette's picture
Karen Charette on April 18, 2022 - 16:48 Permalink

Way to go Peter! It DOES look equal parts exciting and terrifying! But looks super fun too.

Joan Sinclair's picture
Joan Sinclair on April 20, 2022 - 15:34 Permalink

Wait until you get outside, and have the confidence to ride at a full-out gallop. That's a great feeling . . . and it's surprisingly easy because your horse is going so fast, your body just joins in the rhythm.