Oliver at the Podium

Peter Rukavina

This afternoon Oliver and I went to a volunteer social at Green Party HQ. There was pizza and sushi and punch and lots of talk about the election campaign and its results and what comes next.

Midway through the event everyone gathered in the kitchen and Cynthia King and Jordan Bober, campaign co-managers, and leader Peter Bevan-Baker, made some introductory remarks and thank yous, and then Cynthia opened the floor to anyone who wanted to share a volunteering story.

The volunteering stories were fascinating: a cook’s tour through the process of moving from non-involved non-partisan to someone working morning, noon and night to get one of their neighbours elected to the legislature.

As the session drew to a close, Cynthia made one final call for stories, and Oliver confidently strode up to the microphone and told the story of his volunteering–button making, canvassing with Karla, etc. He mentioned Josh Underhay’s death. And he talked about how happy he was to live in one Green district and go to school in another.

Oliver speaking at the Green Party volunteer celebration

Needless to say, I had tears well up in my eyes. I was so proud of him.


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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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