No Parking

Peter Rukavina

Over lunch today I was reminded of the day I parked in the Premier’s parking spot by mistake.

About eight years ago, I was delivering some computers to the Legislative Assembly, and I pulled right up to back driveway to unload. I was inside for no more than half an hour, and when I came out there was a carefully written note under my windshield wiper:

You are Parked in the Premiers Parking Spot

It was signed simply “Commissionaire.”

That was it.

That note, in its own small way, was responsible for keeping us on Prince Edward Island. I saved the note, and it’s sitting beside me at the computer as I write this.


Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


I had no idea. This must mean that my house is on the front side of downtown. I have a new sense of relevance.

Submitted by Ann on


When Province House was constructed, the main part of town was from Richmond Street down to the water. So of sourse the builders would want the building to have its face - not its back - to the main part of town.

Town has changed, but the building remains the same. Its front will always be its front.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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