No more

Peter Rukavina

Back in the olden days of the Internet, I approached the local CBC operation here on Prince Edward Island about doing a website for them. I was mostly concerned with them simply starting to do something — they had no web presence at the time — so I made them a deal they couldn’t refuse: I would take their materials and create a simple site for them for $150. They didn’t refuse.

Their first website, thus, was, hosted on the Island Service Network server. The Internet Archive cache of that page doesn’t go all the way back to the very beginning, but you can get a sense of the simplicity of the original design from the later 1998 version. I remember having to resize a lot of photos of Roger Younker and Wayne Collins. I handed things over to Mike Wile at the CBC almost immediately, and he maintained the site from there.

Of course it wasn’t much later that the CBC got organized, and a national, standardized web effort took the place of this simple local site, an effort now ably maintained locally by Mitch Cormier.

The first post-ISN version of the site was at, which later migrated to

This week the address changed again, this time to I’m sure there are important technical reasons for the change, but it’s a shame that the change involves adding a slash to the name: given the confusion about slashes and backslashes you just know that people are going to mis-hear or mis-type as\pei, which doesn’t work.

In any case, the change in address brings an updated new design, with some new applications (like a live radio schedule widget on the right-hand side), and some nice clean-up of some inconsistencies of the old design.


Submitted by Anonymous on


Technical reasons yes. Mainly to take advantage of better caching and distribution using a CDN ( Everything under the (which actually resolves to: or similar) will be delivered by Akamai. Anything that was not (like is not handled by akamai. This is a good thing as you should see faster/better load times, performance as a cache server that is physically closer to you delivers the content rather than having to go all the way back to Toronto.

Submitted by al o'neill on


… and I just checked and it also works when you type it into the address bar of FireWhatever, sounds like everything is fine unless you become a web developer and still make that mistake.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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