News Flash: Shit Stinks

Peter Rukavina

It hasn’t been the best week for [[Charlottetown]]’s water department. First came the lead problem and now the news that the new sewage plant is giving off a smell that’s covering the neighbourhood. The CBC reports:

The smell is not a total surprise. During the plans for the upgrade, consultants for the city warned that the plant might start giving off a bad smell. The consultants’ concerns were noted, but because of a lack of money nothing was done to stop the problem before it started.

“Okay, so you can get the smelly model for $18.7 million, or you can upgrade to the smell-free model and pay $19.2 million.” The mind boggles.


Submitted by Ken on


Summerside’s west end project was all about stink, cost millions to get rid of it; now it’s dog shit on the boardwalk that is the issue.

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