New Year’s Eve in the Print Shop

Peter Rukavina
Calling Cards for New Year's Day


Submitted by Peter Marquis-Kyle on


Very smart, Peter, and nice to see proper calling cards with just the name (no address, logo, tagline, etc as found on business cards). I am undecided whether Gill Sans is right for this application, but admit that it is very clear and readable. This could be a pretext for buying some other fonts…
     Did the pronouncing guide on your card do the trick? Did your hosts greet you as Mr Rukavina (with correct pronunciation), or did they wimp out and call you Peter? I’m interested to know — as someone else with a frequently-mispronounced name.

Submitted by Lori on


Love the old style calling cards—and the syllabic pronounciation even more!).
Time was, no proper gentleman, or lady, would visit without one. We still have a collection of them from my great-grandparents’ home - the cards were kept on display to show who had been to visit: sort of like collecting friends on Facebook nowadays, I guess. One interesting thing, the men’s cards are slightly smaller than the women’s cards, supposedly because their cases had to fit in their pocket, whereas ladies’ went into their reticule.
Now all you need is a silver salver in your entrance way for others to place theirs in: you just may bring social civility back!

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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