New Look at NWA

Peter Rukavina

Northwest Airlines has a dramatic new visual identity. Compare this to the old look.


Submitted by Cyn on


If the ‘dramatic new visual identity’ pic was taking at the same angle as the ‘old look’ pic, it would be even more boring than it already is.

Submitted by Mandy on


I need to learn to read things more carefully before I make assumptions.

when looking at the title for this post, my eyes led me to see “New Look “Of” NWA. This left me thinking 2 things:

1) wow, Dr Dre is reforming his old group, and why??

2) WOW, Peter Rukavina is into hard core gangster rap.. well I’ll be… you wouldn’t know it be the sweaters and the CBC he likes so much. hmp. guess you can’t judge a book by it’s cover.

Submitted by Mandy on


I’m not sure of all the songs on that soundtrack, but I bet that the lyrical content is not quite as “forward” as something by NWA

Anyway, good to know… you learn something new everyday, and now I have a different view of you. Good, yes. Thank you for sharing.

And you know now I need glasses.

Submitted by Mandy on


by the way, the new look of this NWA is very nice.. but it looks like a “Canadian Tire” funded plane… with the little red triangle on the nose, I can’t help but think of good old Sandy McTire.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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