Need quick translation help...

Peter Rukavina

I’m helping to promote the annual Spring Fling fundraiser at Prince Street School next week, and we want to prepare a flyer to send home to students in all the languages that our school families use. Here’s the paragraph:

Family, friends, and neighbors of Prince Street School students are invited to attend the ‘Spring Fling’ event at Prince Street School on June 5 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. There will be food, games, and other fun activities. Money raised is used to support school activities.

Looking to you multi-lingual in the readership to help get this translated into Farsi, Arabic, Turkish, Karen, Somali, Chinese, French, and Russian. Would really appreciate it, if you’re able: email it to me. Thanks.


Submitted by Steven Garrity on


Here’s French:

Bonjour mes ami! Voulez vous manjer quel que jeux? Vein avez nous pour fair le Fling du Spring! Ce commence a un demi-heur avant le Compas, et ces fini au temps que the fin de le Coronation Street. L’argent va achetez des stylos.

I’ve been out of French Immersion for over 10 years though…

Submitted by Marian on


Very funny…

Try this:

Amis, familles, voisins de l’école Prince Street vous êtes tous invités a l’événement ‘Spring Fling’ qui aura lieu le 5 Juin de 17:30 a 19:30 à l’école. Des rafraichissements seront servis, il y aura des jeux et d’autres activitées amusantes. Tous profits seront utilisés pour les activités scolaires.

Submitted by Kim Bach on


I’ll try to help you, I expect to be able to help you with Arabic, Turkish, Somali and probably Farsi, and maybe even more, like Urdu and Hindi. Will return ASAP.

Submitted by Scott on


You might try phoning/e-mailing some UPEI contacts - Department of Modern Languages, the President’s Office, Student Services, etc. We have a lot of foreign students and professors from around the world.

You can search online by name or department at:…

Good luck!

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


I’ve had a couple of suggestions to simply use Google Translate, however I’m reticent to do so, as I’m almost certain their would be aspects of the translation that would be inaccurate and I’d have no way, save for re-translating using Google Translate back into English, itself an imperfect process, to verify the accuracy.

The last thing I want to do is send out a flyer with insultingly bad translations!

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Update: I’ve now got translations for French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and Russian (see for a preview!) in-hand, and Farsi and Turkish promised to me for Friday and a possible line on Arabic. So I’m still looking for Karen and Somali.

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