I had a chance to do some urban exploring a few weeks ago, inside the old Myron’s location on Kent Street, which has been closed for some time. It was a fascinating ramble in a building that’s held together remarkably well.
One of the more interesting artifacts of the past I came I across was the remnants of an incredibly complex digital liquor control system from Azbar (this video, which looks like it was shot in 1979, is a great overview of this technology).
I took a photo of the control panel of the Azbar system, which had all of Myron’s drinks programmed into it:
Here are the drinks that are listed on the buttons; it’s a veritable liquor time machine, and also a useful reminder that the history of nightclub alcohol and sexism was, at least back in the day, alive and well.
- Yellow Buttons
- 747
- After Eight
- Alabama Slammer
- B-52
- Blow Job
- Brain Hemorage
- Coconut Babs (maybe this is wrong?)
- Mevain Shoe (maybe this is wrong?)
- Mexican Missel
- Nightmare
- Orgasm
- Pepers
- Prairie Fire
- Prick-leg
- Sex on the Beach
- Silver Tread
- Slipped Nipple
- Test Tube
- Orange Buttons
- Black Russian
- Bloody Caesar
- Long Island Ice Tea
- Paralyser
- Rum Paralyser
- Sling!
- White Russian
- Coma
- Horney Monkeyy
- Blue Buttons
- Drink Special (x3)
- Purple Buttons
- Staff Rum
- Staff Gin
- Unreadable (x3)
If I’ve transcribed any of these inaccurately (here’s a larger version of the image, if you want to zoom right in), please let me know (as far as I can recall, outside of a mistaken Long Island Ice Tea ordered at a restaurant in Espanola, Ontario in 1990, I’ve never ordered a mixed drink, so I’m not an expert; I also never went to Myron’s, other than to see Annekenstein).