My Maps to Your Places

Peter Rukavina

Back in April I pointed out on Twitter that Google’s possessive adjective forms in the navigation of Google Maps was confusing, inasmuch as it used either “My” or “Your” depending on the feature:

Before - My Maps

That tweet was by far and away the most popular tweet I’ve ever tweeted, extending entirely from the fact that it was retweeted by Brendan Eich:

Twitter Stats on the Tweet

In an action that was no doubt completely unrelated, but that is nonetheless heartening, earlier this month the navigation was updated and is now consistent:

After - Your Places

I might quibble with the switch from “maps” to “places”, as the navigation item exposes places, but also maps (formerly known as “My Maps”):

My Maps No More

but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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