I still haven’t seen the movie My Left Foot. It was released in 1989. It won Oscars. Everybody said it was great.
I should have seen it.
But I haven’t.
Thus it should come as no surprise that I held off COVID for more than two years, choosing only this week to test positive. I am a late adopter.
The first sign that something was up was Tuesday night: I felt tired and achy, and then, through the night, had a constant cycle of sleep-wake-have to pee (a lot). I woke up feeling really hit-by-a-truck achy, with a headache and chills and, most troubling, a noticeable dip in my mental acuity: it felt like my brain had one hand tied behind its back.
Because I’m in the higher-risk “over 50” category, I was eligible for a PCR test, and was able to book one for 9:35 a.m. I had my positive result in less than an hour. It was jarring; not a surprise given my symptoms, but after so many negative rapid and PCR tests over the years, I’d grown used to a perverse feeling of superhero immunity.
Yesterday was a write-off: I slept more than I didn’t, got remote help from L. when I proved mentally unable to arrange food delivery, and cobbled together an upstairs-downstairs isolation plan for the household.
Olivia rapid-tested negative, and so I’m washing my hands with a new tenacity and doing everything I can to stay well away from her. She is texting me frequently with concerns about how the house only has a single shower.
Today my brain is mostly back—enough, at least, to allow me to reflect on yesterday, to undertake basic tasks like ordering grocery delivery, and even do a little work. I still have a headache. And I’m still sleeping a lot. But I’m okay.
I’d been so afraid of catching COVID for so long that, symptoms and risks aside, there is a kind of relief that comes with all this.
I’m in isolation until Tuesday—in my compromised state yesterday it took me forever to decrypt the How long do I isolate? page from Public Health: if there was ever a place where a handy web widget would be especially handy, it’s on that page.
After freaking out and insisting that Olivia needed to isolate as well, today I had a very helpful phone consult with Cindy at Public Health, and she let me know that as long as Olivia and I are staying isolated from each other, and she remains symptom-free and testing negative, Olivia can go about life as normal. That will come as a great relief to her. And to me.
I’m enormously grateful for my privilege: I have a large house, enough food, friends and family to help, and relatively mild symptoms. I even presciently took back a loaned air conditioner so that these warm bed-bound afternoons are comfortable. I am, give or take, Canadian case number 3,935,609; I know that I will fare better, and be more comfortable, than many who came before me.

Be well.
Be well.
Get well soon Peter.
Get well soon Peter.
I hope you get well soon,
I hope you get well soon, without lingering effects. The brain fog stayed with me for two weeks or so as did fatigue.
Hope your recovery goes
Hope your recovery goes smoothly. Seems like you did not miss much of a beat of eloquence in your blog despite a few initial rough days.
Take care, Peter.
Take care, Peter.
I take care of your body and
I take care of your body and your brain, Peter!
Hope you feel better soon,
Hope you feel better soon, Peter.
All the best! ()
All the best! _()_
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