More on Plebiscite Results

I’ve been working today on enhancing the online results available for Monday’s plebiscite.

In addition to the detailed results by district, there are now poll-by-poll results available for each district (click on each district name to see them).

I’ve also set up raw data files in a variety of formats for those looking to use the data elsewhere without having to retype it all.

I welcome comments about the format of the pages, and suggestions for alternative formats that readers might find useful.

All of these pages are accessible using the handy address.

Remember that you can vote Saturday, Nov. 26th, at your local Returning Office, from Noon to 6:00 p.m., and on Plebiscite Day, Monday, Nov. 28th, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., at one of the polling stations in your district. Find your polling location here if you don’t know it already.
